- 作为经历过两次毕业以及分别在中美两段工作经历的人, 我一直很想写点关于这个话题的东西, 聊聊自己的一些看法. 尤其是这么多年下来, 我也算是在中美大中小公司都呆过的人了, 感觉还是能说说一些自己的经验和感受的.
个人经历 (2009 - 2...
TaoAlphajob工作选择 Mo, July 6, 202015 minutes to read - 上次说了我在新西兰 WHV 期间住过的不同类型风格的住宿, 略略带过了一些工作的介绍, 这次主要聊一下我在这期间做过的各种工作 :) 我之后细数了一次, 总共还是做了十几种工作的呢.
养鸡场这是一个位于 Auckland 南边郊区的养鸡场,...
TaoAlphatravelwhvtravelnew zealand Sa, July 4, 202015 minutes to read - 之前主要说了申请相关的事情和一些基本的介绍, 今天主要说说我在新西兰 WHV 时候都住过那些地方 :)
因为一般选择 WHV 的人都不富裕, 不然的话直接旅游签证不香吗? 所以大家短期居住的选择一般都是比较平价或者廉价的背包客栈啊, 青年旅...
TaoAlphatravelwhvtravelnew zealand Th, July 2, 20208 minutes to read - 起因因为上次写博客是在两年前了, 再上次是四年前, 本博客其实有很多组件都慢慢的不工作了, 本来以为只是小小的检修一下即可, 结果发现还是做了不少事情的, 感觉值得记录一下.
主旨Outdated Dependencies博客是利用hexo...
- WHVWHV 也就是 Working Holiday Visa, 是一种比较特殊的签证, 就和它的名字一样, 它允许一个人在度假的同事可以短暂工作, 算是一个介于常规的旅游签和工作签之间的一种签证. 目前支持这种签证的国家不少, 不过多数是...
TaoAlphatravelwhvtravelnew zealand We, July 1, 20207 minutes to read - wow 又是两年没写博客了… :( 最近被家属激励, 准备再次复活这个博客! 希望这次能坚持!
也是因为好久没用了, 发现了博客上好多部件都没法用了… 花了点时间更新了一下, 把失效的部分都替换了一下, 其中就有评论组件, 之前一直用的多说...
- Before 2016I believe a person can only find himself/herself from various experiences. Its like, a person can not know whether he likes apple or not until he tried it.
In China, almost every kid has the same path before 20: they enjoyed the childhood until six or seven, learned some basic stuff from kindergarten, and th...
TaoAlphathoughtsexperience Sa, March 17, 20187 minutes to read - I can not believe its almost two years since I posted my last post here… Time flies.
Why Stop and Why Restart ?The reason why I stopped is … I am too lazy and writing as a habit is very hard to make… and also:
The more I know, the harder for me to write anything. I am always thinking too much
I love creating tools ins...
TaoAlphathoughts Th, March 15, 20184 minutes to read - JavaScript is a loosely typed language which means it doesn’t care type too much. Most times, it can convert different types automatically for us. But sometimes, you may actually need to know the exact type of a variable. And you may have trouble to do that in JS…
(We will only focus on normal types, a lot new types in...
TaoAlphatechjstype check Sa, August 27, 201616 minutes to read - Deep Copy vs Reference CopyIn javascript, everytime you use = or pass a primitive to a function, you are doing deep copy, since whatever happends to it will never affect the origin one.
But things will be so different on objects:
123456789101112131415161718192021// deep copy on primitiveslet a = "hello";let b = a;b = 1...
TaoAlphatechjscopy Sa, August 13, 20168 minutes to read