- Modularity of Web DevAs your project becomes more complex, its more difficult to maintain the code, no matter what kind of language you are using. That’s why we use OOP for most of the projects, by doing that, it saves you a lot of time and energy. Since web development becomes more popular, more and more people start ...
TaoAlphareadingscssscalablemodular Su, January 10, 201614 minutes to read - Why and What is Coding StyleCoding style is like the common styles and patterns that are used in your personal codebase or some organizations’ codebase, its purpose is making your code more readable and reusable through the entire developemnt, especially when you work in a team. Everyone can create their own coding sty...
TaoAlphareadingsjscoding style Sa, January 9, 201648 minutes to read - SummaryAfter learned the basic syntax of CoffeeScript, I re-wrote all my blog’s js files with CoffeeScript. I have to say, practice is the best way to learn and understand one skill. Especially for coding, if you just read the book and never write a single line by yourself, you will never become a master of it or you m...
- SummaryThe notes I took while I was learning the ‘CoffeeScript’. If you are a real beginner with ‘CoffeeScript’, I suggest you start with another book called “The Little Book on CoffeeScript”, it’s better for beginners. And after that, this one is definitely your best choice.
CoffeeScript is a language which complies t...
- 概述先说题外话: 昨天读到中途转去忙把以前的旧文章移植过来, 昨夜就已完成, 主要通过python解析了导出来的xml文本, 然后获取对应的时间信息和url信息组成符合jekyll规则的文件名, 再利用文本拼接出每个文件中固有的头和主体, 本来计划用html2text来把每个博文转为markdown, 不过后来源码有些问题, 对部分博文识别不好, 我也没时间细改, 所以就干脆拼接了html到主体中去.
主要导入了当初写的Patch系列和针对UX写的翻译系列. 分别归类到了Tech和DandP目录下. 有兴趣的可查看之~
今天来继续完结JavaScript: the Definitive Guide一书.
阅读笔记Chapter 20...
TaoAlphareadingsjsreding notes Sa, June 27, 201512 minutes to read - 概述阅读笔记Chapter 15 - Scripting Documents
document.getElementById(id): 通过id, 一个id对应一个元素;
document.getElementsByName(name): 通过name, 可多个;
document.getElementsByTagName(tagname): 通过标签名;
document.getElementsByClassName(class_name): 通过类名;
querySelectorAll(css_selector): 通过css的选择器, 返回所有匹配;
TaoAlphareadingsjsreading notes Fr, June 26, 201513 minutes to read - 概述正式进入本书第二部分的内容, 核心主要围绕在浏览器内的js. 包含了最基本的使用方式, 方法, 因浏览器而增加的各种属性方法, 操作css, dom的方法, 以及常用的一些js框架, 库等, 同时还包含了目前浏览器大热的安全领域.
阅读笔记Chapter 13 - JavaScript in Web Browsers
defer: 使浏览器在解析并加载渲染完HTML的DOM后加载此js脚本;
async: 使浏览器在尽快执行js脚本, 但在下载js脚本时不停止DOM的解析, 优先级高于defer;
使用方式为在script中增加关键字即可: <script defer src="deferred.js&q...
TaoAlphareadingsjsreading notes Th, June 25, 201510 minutes to read - 概要今天顺带读完了这本”像TED一样演讲”, 作者上一部和演讲相关的书是”乔布斯的魔力演讲”. 归纳了下书中的核心点, 记录分享给大家. 这一类的书干货其实能占到全书1/10就已经算不错了~ 所以一般看起来也比较快.
释放你内心的热情 => 热情可以传染;
掌握讲故事的艺术 => 故事可以刺激并吸引人脑的注意力, 拉近你与听众的距离;
设计让观众惊掉下巴的环节 => 触发神经学家所说的讲情绪, 让记忆更加深刻;
- 概述在十到十二章中, 第十章的正则表达式内容最为丰富, 也是目前应用即为广泛的内容之一. 不过这里也主要是结合js的应用, 实际上正则表达式本身就是一个很值得研究的话题, 有不少书都在谈这个话题, 我后面要读的书目中恰巧就有这么一本, 后面会更加详细的学习以下正则表达式的方方面面.
十一章算是非常前沿, 高端或者说冷门的点了, 随着浏览器的盛行以及技术的进步, 安全问题始终都是一个很重视的点, 而在这种攻防演练中也促进了js本身的进步, 而主流浏览器本身更是走在了js的最前沿. 各种新的属性都是由他们引入而逐渐成为标准的;
十二章主要是对走出浏览器的JS做了一个简单的介绍, 而NodeJS的大名在近几年在前后端, 全端领域都可谓是人...
TaoAlphareadingsjsreading notes We, June 24, 20159 minutes to read - 概述第六版和第五版的最大区别在于ECMAScript 5的引入, 这是目前发布的最新的js版本, 有着最新的属性和函数, 目前主流浏览器基本都已经完全支持. 本文为阅读5-9章内容的笔记总结, 主要是覆盖了JS中的语句和典型对象.
阅读笔记Chapter 5 - Statements
switch/case中使用的是===进行比较判断的, 而不是==;
with带入scope chain的对象只有读取权限, 没有写入功能, 即with后, 可以获取其代入的对象, 但其内声明的变量都依然归于gloabl或者local之中;
debugger是ECMAScript 5引入的一个新的statement, 起主要作用是和浏览器结合使用, 用...
TaoAlphareadingsjsreading notes Tu, June 23, 201521 minutes to read