- Yesterday, I added airbnb blog to my subscriptions, and found an interesting feature on this blog: when you scroll down, there will be a progressbar on the top of the page showing the progress of your reading on this post. So I just added it to my blog :)
Actually the logic is pretty simple, you calculate the distance ...
TaoAlphatechcssprogress Sa, January 16, 20165 minutes to read - As I promised, I have been working on refactoring the feedpusher with pure JS/nodeJS from last week. Now I have set up the basic database struture and spider which has already been running for one week with 80 sites and 8k feeds stored into my mongodb on raspberry pi.
Today, I jsut set up a new process to crawl the upd...
TaoAlphatechjs Tu, January 12, 201612 minutes to read - orginal post
@kangax’s ES6 quiz, explained@kangax created a new interesting quiz, this time devoted to ES6 (aka ES2015). I found this quiz very interesting and quite hard (made myself 3 mistakes on first pass).
Here we go with the explanations:
Question 1:123456(function(x, f = () => x) { var x; var y = x; x...
Dmitry Soshnikovtech Mo, January 11, 201631 minutes to read - Modularity of Web DevAs your project becomes more complex, its more difficult to maintain the code, no matter what kind of language you are using. That’s why we use OOP for most of the projects, by doing that, it saves you a lot of time and energy. Since web development becomes more popular, more and more people start ...
TaoAlphareadingscssscalablemodular Su, January 10, 201614 minutes to read - Why and What is Coding StyleCoding style is like the common styles and patterns that are used in your personal codebase or some organizations’ codebase, its purpose is making your code more readable and reusable through the entire developemnt, especially when you work in a team. Everyone can create their own coding sty...
TaoAlphareadingsjscoding style Sa, January 9, 201648 minutes to read - Today I finally made my first angularJS app which is a simple todo app connected with my First nodejs cli tool: baby. They share the same data set, so you can think it as the UI for baby todo part (I will build the UI for other nice features, one by one).
I really like the interface of the Papaly, especially the speed ...
TaoAlphatechcssblur Th, December 31, 20158 minutes to read - WhySince I have migrated my entire blog to hexo, so I need to rewrite a lot modules :) Today we talk about related articles and how to generate api files in your hexo blog.
HowRelated ArticlesUnlike jekyll, hexo doesn’t have a built-in module to populate the related articles (meanwhile, jekyll’s built-in related articl...
TaoAlphatechJS Su, December 27, 201515 minutes to read - Hi all:
Since I have one month winter break, so I decide to rebuild some old projects with some fancy stuff. And also to save some money, I just closed the server that supported them for nearly two years… I am sad and sorry if that causes any trouble… I have sent an email to all the active users about this … Thanks f...
TaoAlphablogNewsClean up Sa, December 26, 20153 minutes to read - 2015 年也慢慢过去了. 这一年似乎发生了不少变化, 也做了不少的改变, 今天做个简单的总结.
Summary15年, 我从大清毕业2年了, 14年的时候我工作了大半年,多数时间都在准备出国和锻炼学习相关的技能, , 当然参军训练 以及成...
TaoAlphablogSummary年终总结 Sa, December 26, 20154 minutes to read - After nearly 24 hours work, I finally migrated my blog from jekyll to hexo. Actually, I recreated the entire blog with hexo with same styles and scripts files.
WhyWhy I want to migrate to hexo instead of keeping using jekyll ? The most important reasons are:
hexo is written with NodeJS which I am more familiar with, s...
TaoAlphablogmigrationhexo Sa, December 26, 20157 minutes to read